DALSTRONG Utility Knife – Shogun Series

Ergonomic, functional and exquisitely designed!

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This packaging and product prove that this is a company that believes in the “wow” factor. Everything about this knife says style and excellence. It comes with a custom sheath that you unlock by pulling out a pin. It is in a black velvet-lined knife box. The hinged lid is magnetic and explains the finer details of this Shogun series knife. Over that, is a sleeve for the box itself, so that it will never break open unexpectedly. It is a brilliant and elegant design.
Along with the knife is a thick booklet introducing you to the utility knife and describing the care of the product. Also, there is a cleaning cloth for your shiny new knife and a keychain embossed with the company name and logo. There has been no skimping on a thing anywhere with this blade. The purpose of the utility knife is to bridge the gap between the paring knife and the chef knife. It can do a variety of tasks well. 
This knife is nearly perfect. It is gorgeous. The blade and the end cap have the company lion logo engraved. The handle has three rivets with the center having a beautifully crafted copper mosaic pin. Embossed into the blade is their signature Tsunami Rose pattern. The handle is G-10 Garolite, having military strength steel, it is expected to last a lifetime. The Shogun series is Japanese VG-10 steel (aka “super” steel), and it has 66 layers of high-carbon stainless steel for durability, strength, and stain-resistance.
The most important things about knives, as gorgeous as this one is, is how they perform; be it in a professional kitchen wielded by a chef or in a home kitchen. My take after testing is that this knife cuts, dices, and slices everything with ease. Whatever I put on my cutting board might as well have been melted butter for how it held up against this blade. When I was an assistant chef, we had nothing like this fantastic knife. I am so proud to own several pieces in the Shogun series. These knives rank among my favorite buys ever on Amazon.
This utility knife has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. There is also a lifetime warranty against defect, so there is no risk. I received this product at a discount to test and write an honest, unbiased review.